Hi! I’m Jennie Dickinson, a 50-something homemaker, living in New Jersey with my husband of 25 years. I love that I get to manage my home, and also have time for other interests, like knitting, sewing, reading, music, being “Aunt Jennie” to some special kids in my life…. Oh, yeah, and writing, too!
Even though I grew up in a Christian household and attended church most of my life, it wasn’t until about 8 years ago that I truly understood what it meant to put my trust in Jesus. My love for Him and His Word is the most important thing in my life, so a lot of what you will see here will reflect that passion. If you, too, are a follower of Jesus, I hope you will be encouraged and spurred on by what you read on my blog. And if you are not a Christian, I hope that something you read here will pique your interest, nudging you to learn more of what the Bible says about Jesus and His love for you.
Take a look around. And if you’d like, send me a message–I’d love to hear from you!
My passions

So many interests, so little time!! I think of myself as a “dabbler”, since I tend to switch from project to project, and I like to try lots of different arts and crafts. I also enjoy reading and music (again, I’m a bit of a dabbler–playing piano, flute, recorder, kalimba– but master of none!).
Birdwatching is a hobby that I picked up from my Dad; he and I compare notes on bird sightings and observations.
My recent musings on minimalism have brought me to the realization that while I can do any of these things, I just can’t possibly do them all! Which ones will make the cut? Stay tuned…

You could call me a “real housewife of New Jersey”, but not the kind with a suburban mansion or impressive social calendar–I’m the kind of real housewife who mops, cooks, cleans, does laundry, etc., etc….. Lately I’ve been intrigued with minimalism, and especially with making my home and stuff easier to manage–and freeing up time for other things–while still taking good care of my home and family.

Follower of Jesus
As the pastor at my church likes to say, faith in Jesus is the only way to Heaven, but there are many ways people come to Jesus…. In the spring of 2013 I came to a point of desperation in my life, at a complete loss for helping myself. I cried out to Jesus Christ for help, and He came to my rescue in a surprising and unexpected way. The beliefs I’d grown up hearing, and even repeating, finally sank in, and made it from my head to my heart! I’m so grateful for His help, then and now, as I strive to serve and honor Him as my Master and Savior. I do this imperfectly, and I have a long way to go–which makes me all the more grateful for His love, grace, and forgiveness. I hope what you read here about my journey will inspire and encourage you on yours.