A Hiding Place

I am a bit of a word nerd. I like to keep my dictionary handy when I’m reading, and when I crack it open, I can get so absorbed—there are so many delicious words to discover! Inevitably my eyes land on words that I am curious to get a handle on. Words I use, but would be hard-pressed to give a concise definition for—I love to look those up! I see words I’ve heard, but haven’t a clue as to the meaning, and lots of words I’ve never heard of… I have to pull my attention away or I could spend a long time just devouring words and meanings!

So, here’s the word I just had to look up the other day: shephanim. Now you may not find this word in your dictionary; it’s a Hebrew word that I encountered in the Psalms; (I believe it is a transliteration) the plural of shaphan. This is the word for a small furry creature—which I think bears a resemblance to the Star Wars “Ewoks”—known as rock hyrax, sometimes called rock badger, rock rabbit, or coney. In Africa, it’s known as the dassi or klipdassie. I know you want to see what one looks like, right? Even better, get a load of one vocalizing! A fun fact about the shephanim: it is reported that these creatures—roughly the size of a cat—are most closely related to the likes of elephants and manatees. Say what?! Who figures these things out, anyway?

Getting back to that Hebrew word, here’s what I found so interesting: the root word that it comes from is saphan, which carries the idea of hiding. Can you guess what the hyrax’s only defense is? Lacking claws to attack or even to burrow underground, with a couple of miniature tusks but no threatening, deadly fangs, this little guy’s only real defense is his ability to hide within rocky places. They often live in the crags of sheer cliff faces.  Their hind feet have what amounts to a suction cup in the center, making it easy for them to navigate in that particular habitat. When predators threaten, these little guys scurry to hide in the rocks. Here’s the verse where I encountered this word:

“The high mountains are for the wild goats; the cliffs are a refuge for the shephanim.”

Psalm 104:18, NASB

Reading the verses around it, you quickly see the point of this Psalm is God’s intentional design and provision in His creation. He made the cliffs, with their challenging terrain and nooks and crannies, a perfect refuge for these little creatures, which just happen to have those special feet built for climbing the cliffs. This is the kind of care, the attention to detail, that God gives to His creation. I just can’t get that thought out of my mind. I am comforted to know that when I am weak, vulnerable, defenseless—when I just want to run and hide—my Creator, my Father-God is caring for me, providing for me with that same attention to detail. I’m so thankful that I can run to Him and hide in the shelter of His wings!

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!” For is it He who delivers you…He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield…”

Psalm 91:1-4, NASB

Whatever threats or dangers you may be feeling, whatever might be making you feel vulnerable, I encourage you to run to God and seek shelter under His wings.

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