The Hidden Treasures of Weakness

When I was a new believer, I was so delighted to be in church on Sundays. I still am so happy to be among my church family, but back then it was extra. You see, though I had grown up in church, the truths of scripture didn’t penetrate my heart for many years, and instead I ended up with “head knowledge”, and lots of cynicism and judgmental attitudes. When I walked out the doors of the church in 2010, I didn’t know when or if I would ever be back in church. Eventually, God turned things around, grabbed hold of my heart in a new way, and brought me into a local church family. I was joyful to once again sing worship songs in the midst of fellow believers and hear the Word of God proclaimed, until…

One day, as I sat there happily among my church family, the ugliest thought popped into my brain. Temptation and the “sin which so easily entangles” (Hebrews 12:1) threatened to snake its tentacles around my mind and my heart. I felt so ugly, so dirty. The mere experience of temptation–before even acting on the thought–seemed to have spoiled the day in an instant. My joy was replaced by sadness and regret over something that had sprung unbidden to my mind. I silently confessed to God my feeling that I had ruined this experience which I had been joyfully anticipating. Moments later, this phrase popped into my head: “…that the greatness of the power would be of God and not from ourselves…” I recognized these as Bible words though I didn’t recall the chapter and verse. I clung to that fragment, and to God’s grace, for the remainder of that Sunday service. Later I searched out the verse:

“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves;

2 Corinthians 4:7 (NASB)

According to that verse, the areas where I experience weakness are the very places where God’s power is undeniable. Were I immune to temptation, I would seem very strong. I am so not that—I need God! On a regular basis, I cry out for His help in my areas of weakness. And there, in those places where I am weak as a clay pot, I see the surpassing greatness of His power. Rather than resent or regret those times, I can now appreciate them for what they are—reminders of the greatness of God. Reminders of His willingness and His ability to rescue me. Reminders of the new life I have in Him, and of the work that He has begun and has promised to complete.

Father, thank you for being a very present help in times of trouble. I know that you are neither surprised by nor resentful of my weakness—you knew all my days before my first breath, and you knew all my weakness and failures when Jesus gave Himself to die in my place, for my sin. When I feel resentful of my vulnerabilities, help me instead to rejoice in the surpassing greatness of your power at work in this weak vessel!

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4 thoughts on “The Hidden Treasures of Weakness”

  1. Oh Jennie, thank you for sharing so personally! Your boldness has given me a new outlook on my weaknesses.
    “God may I allow you to be my strength when I am weak! May I recognize my need for your power in my life in those weak moments-and reJOYce in your loving kindness. “
    Thank you again, love. Sharon

  2. Beautifully written,Jennie ! It is your gift. I have found that some of my weaknesses have turned into huge blessings 🙌
    “For when I am weak, then I am strong”.
    Peace & Joy to you

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