Holiday Ornaments

Hand-crafted ornaments that I make each year, carrying on my mom’s tradition.

2020 Ornament

Masks and social distancing have become such a part of our lives this year, it seemed appropriate to commemorate them with these ornaments. I know, you’re probably tired of the whole thing—the discomfort, the nuisance, etc., etc….. None of us really likes these precautions, important though they may be. Yet out of concern for the …

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2019 Ornament

The Best Offense Have you been offended recently? If not, maybe you have caused offense? Seems almost a daily occurrence in today’s world, right? Someone says or does something, even a seemingly harmless comment can get misinterpreted, and before you know it, someone’s been offended. It may even happen while reading this letter—that’s the risk …

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2018 Ornament

I love snow—sorry, not sorry!  Tiny, sparkly flurries that meander, slowly descending.  Big, fat clumps that plash on windows, blanket our lawns, and flock tree branches.  Fresh and pure and white; the landscape seems brighter and cleaner—even the air seems purer.  And we’ve probably all heard that no two snowflakes are alike.  It’s a reminder …

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2017 Ornament

When Life Gives You Scraps… My Mom enjoyed a variety of crafts, but the piece-work of quilting was one of her favorites. She had a quaint applique piece in the cozy “back room” with one of her favorite sayings, “When life gives you scraps, make quilts.”  This homey statement captures some of the qualities I …

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2016 Ornament

It’s been quite a turbulent year, hasn’t it?  Many have said this has been an election like no other that we’ve seen.  I’ve been comparing the recent turmoil with the social climate at the time Jesus Christ’s earthly life: emotions running high, polarized perspectives, hoping against hope, fears for the future…our recent times are reminiscent …

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2015 Ornament

Butterflies were one of Mom’s favorite things. Symbolic of change, they reflect her favorite verse: “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.” (2 Corinthians 5:17) This verse is about change, an essential of the Christian life. Essential because God is all …

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2014 Ornament

Twine and glitter; kind of an unusual combination, right?  This is my second year carrying on my Mom’s tradition of making Christmas ornaments to share with friends.  Along with a love of crafting, a taste for rustic, country décor is another thing Mom and I had in common.  I think she would’ve liked this ornament, …

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2013 Ornament

‘Oh, no! I didn’t get you anything!’ That’s often our reaction when someone hands us a package, isn’t it? Especially at this time of year.  Rest assured, this is not a Christmas present—please don’t worry that you didn’t get me something or scramble to do something in return. This is instead a means for me …

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