2014 Ornament

Twine and glitter; kind of an unusual combination, right?  This is my second year carrying on my Mom’s tradition of making Christmas ornaments to share with friends.  Along with a love of crafting, a taste for rustic, country décor is another thing Mom and I had in common.  I think she would’ve liked this ornament, but I suspect she might have dispensed with the glitter! 

Whether or not you share my taste for homespun designs, you might be interested in how this ornament reminds me of my friendship with Jesus Christ: 

For many years, I tried to live the Christian life—tried to be good, to do and say and think the things Christians do—all on my own power.  Epic fail.  That’s not how it works!  I found out the hard way, and eventually I gave up trying.  Until I came afresh to a crisis in my life: I was desperate to change, but also completely convinced of my utter lack of power to truly make myself something I was not, no matter how badly I wanted to be different.  In that moment, I desperately wanted to avoid going down a destructive path I’d walked in my past, but at the same time felt irresistibly pulled towards it, drawn to its self-indulgent pleasures.  Caught in this overwhelming struggle, and knowing that I had never been able to avoid that particular pitfall before, I cried out in desperation for God’s help, feeling my need for Him as never before.  I was overwhelmed as I saw Him come to my rescue—an experience like nothing else!  Now, 20 months later, I still cry out to Him in times of need, He’s still coming to my rescue in the most incredible, often surprising, ways, and my love for Jesus just keeps growing as I learn in baby steps what the Christian life really is all about (one lesson: there’s a HUGE difference between trying to be good and trusting in His goodness).  So, what on earth does this have to do with this rustic mash-up of twine and glitter?  I have come to Jesus as I am, coming even with the burden of my wicked thoughts and desires: plain, rough, coarse, kind of like that twine.  He has taken on Himself the full burden of all that’s wrong about me, all that falls short of His plan for me, and in exchange He has given me His righteousness (something much more dazzling and presentable, kind’a like the glitter)… There are days when I see a glimpse of His gift: days when my thoughts are kind and my words sweet; glittery days when I am doing a better job of reflecting His character to those around me.  Other days… Well, let’s just say, there are still a lot of rough edges that need to be smoothed out.  Those are the days when I remind myself of what Jesus has done for me: that no matter my experience here and now, I’ve been given His righteousness in exchange for my sinfulness.  Days when I count on His strength in my weakness, and remember that He rewards those who seek Him.  Days I thank Him for pouring His incredible love into my life!

Thank you so much for allowing me to share this tradition, and this piece of my life’s journey, with you.  I wish you and your family peace and joy at this holiday time and in the new year!

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