I’ve Got a New Name

“I’ve got a new name, can you guess what it is?” I didn’t need to see my friend’s face; the phone line transmitted her delight. There was silence for a beat as I pieced together clues; “Granny?” I ventured hopefully. “Yes!—I’m going to be a Nana!” I felt such joy for my friend. We’d been praying for and with one another for many years, sharing our highs and lows, and this bit of good news was no exception—her joy is my joy, just as her sorrows have been my sorrows. I am truly thrilled for her! As I disconnected from the call, I couldn’t help but think of another new name….

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, to him I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and a new name written on the stone which no one knows but he who receives it.”

Revelation 2:17, New American Standard Bible

There’s something powerful about a nickname, isn’t there? Whether it highlights a unique characteristic, recalls a memorable incident, or conveys a significant connection, these terms of endearment declare “You are special to me”. I have met many who share the name Jennifer, but none also known by my particular collection of nicknames: Hobbit, Hen Wen, Jennie Sunshine, Jen-Jen, Sweeper Bags (don’t ask!), and Fennifer (Remember the TV show Square Pegs? That’s where this one comes from…). Not all of those names gave me warm fuzzies, but often a special name bestowed by a significant person or group conveys affection and belonging, representing who I am in this context. Nicknames often express what’s unique about me or what’s unique between us. And a nickname that is shared only between two individuals—that is even more special. When you are the only one I call by this pet name, and I am the only one who calls you by that name, well, that has significance beyond other names. Greater still is the intimacy of a nickname that no one else ever knows about, like a couple of names omitted from my list. Like what is described in that verse above. “…a new name…which no one knows but he who receives it” (emphasis mine). So personal. So precious.

I wish I knew whether that verse from Revelations is one that translates to all followers of Jesus…. If it does, it is a promise to “those who overcome”, so let this encourage you to stand firm and press on, fellow believers! But even if it does not—even if it was a promise limited to a select, specific, now past-tense group—there is still a precious truth I find in these verses. These words are an example of the very personal, very intimate relationship that God pursues with His children. Is there a white stone with a secret name, hand-picked by God Himself, in my future? I do not know. But do I have a God who knows me intimately? Who deals with me personally? Yes, I do. I’m so glad to know my God desires this sort of relationship with his children. There is much in the Bible that pertains equally to all followers of Jesus, but that doesn’t mean I am simply a number to the God of the Universe—He knows the number of hairs on my head! He knew everything about me before I was even born! And He relates to me in personal ways. Maybe even with a special new name; but don’t bother trying to guess what it is—that’ll be just between me and Jesus!

Heavenly Father, thank you for inviting me into a deeply personal relationship with You! Thank You for dealing with me as Your precious daughter. When I approach You in prayer, when I come to You in need of help, may I come mindful of the kind of Father I have in You!

4 thoughts on “I’ve Got a New Name”

  1. Oh Jennie, I do hope Jesus has a new name for us too. It reminds me of how God gave new names to the prophets & Paul and others as they came to know their new Father. Thank you for your sensitivity to the Holy Spirit that He can work on me through your reflections! Love you, Sharon

      1. Got it, thanks! I think we’ve got the kinks worked out now. Thanks for the head’s up, I was unaware of the problem with the form!

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